The Drug Offense Task Force was seated by the Commission in September 2019 and concluded September 2020.
The Drug Offense Task Force was seated by the Commission September 2019 in response to a mandate by the Colorado General Assembly pursuant to Senate Bill 2019-008 (Concerning treatment of individuals with substance abuse disorders who come into contact with the criminal justice system). Based on the statutory mandate, the Commission charged the Task Force to study and make recommendations concerning: a) Alternatives to filing criminal charges against individuals with substance use disorders who have been arrested for drug-related offenses, and b) A process for automatically sealing criminal records for drug offense convictions. The Commission must provide a report by July 1, 2020 with its findings and recommendations to the Judiciary and the Public Health Care and Human Services Committees of the House of Representatives and the Judiciary and the Health and Human Services Committees of the Senate, or any successor committees. Due to COVID-19, the final Commission report was submitted in September 2020.
Note: Additional mandates found in S.B.19-008 have been assigned to the Opioid Investigations Subcommittee.
- No further meetings
Date Time Location No further meetings scheduled. - -
For information, contact Stephane Waisanen at - Mandates/Timeline
The Drug Offense Task Force materials.
(Minutes of the Subcommittee meetings may be found below under "Previous Meetings.")MANDATE AND WORK PLAN Senate Bill 2019 - 008
To study and make recommendations concerning:
a) Alternatives to filing criminal charges against individuals with substance use disorders who have been arrested for drug-related offenses, and
b) A process for automatically sealing criminal records for drug offense convictions.
The Commission must provide a report by July 1, 2020 with its findings and recommendations to the Judiciary and the Public Health Care and Human Services Committees of the House of Representatives and the Judiciary and the Health and Human Services Committees of the Senate, or any successor committees.
Additional mandates found in S.B.19-008 have been assigned to the Opioid Investigations Subcommittee to study and make recommendations concerning:
Best practices for investigating unlawful opioid distribution in Colorado, including the creation of black market opioid investigatory entities at the State and local levels.Proposed Work Plan Due to the COVID-19 related suspension of all CCJJ activities (Commission/Task Force/Subcommittee mtgs.), the mandated report will be delayed.
The timeline benchmarks of the Task Force may be completed earlier, but must be completed NO LATER THAN the following dates:Thru March 2020 - Legal/statutory/literature reviews and data analyses, monthly Task Force / Working Group meetings March 12, 2020 - Working Groups present draft reports/recommendations to Task Force April 9, 2020 -Working Groups present final draft reports/recommendations to Task Force and Task Force conducts final discussion and vote April 10, 2020 - Task Force presents preliminary draft report/recommendations to Commission
(CCJJ meeting abandoned due to pandemic)Timeline adjusted from this point due to the pandemic. August 14, 2020 - Task Force presents preliminary draft report/recommendations to Commission September 11, 2020 - Task Force presents final draft of report/recommendations to CCJJ and CCJJ conducts final discussion and vote September 2020 - Staff compile final report including informational memo and related recommendations from Drug Offense Task Force and Opioid Investigations Subcommittee.
- Report/recommendations finalized and submitted to the General Assembly. - Task Force Members
To ensure balanced representation on the Drug Offense Task Force, the CCJJ Chair and Vice-Chair employ a template to guide the appointment process. Representative agencies and stakeholders are determined first, followed by the appointment of volunteers to the available positions.
Name Affiliation Tom Raynes, Task Force Co-Chair (CCJJ) Colorado District Attorneys' Council Megan Ring, Task Force Co-Chair (CCJJ) Office of the Colorado State Public Defender Janet Drake (CCJJ) Attorney General's Office Andrew Matson (CCJJ) Colorado CURE Joe Thome (CCJJ) Division of Criminal Justice (CCJJ, Ex officio) Glenn Tapia (CCJJ) Division of Probation Services, Judicial Branch Abigail Tucker (CCJJ) Community Reach Mental Health Center Chris Andrist Criminal Justice Information Systems, Colorado Bureau of Investigation Maureen Cain Office of the Colorado State Public Defender Terri Hurst Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition David Quirova Office of the State Court Administrator, Judicial Branch Jack Regenbogen Colorado Center on Law & Policy Audrey Weiss District Attorney's Office, 1st J. D.* Adam Zarrin Governor's Office TBD Victim representative Staff: Stephane Waisanen(
(CCJJ) - Commission members
* J.D.- Judicial District - Subgroups
The Drug Offense Task Force seated Working Groups* that explored the following topic areas (WG Leaders):
- Diversion Working Group (WG Co-Leaders: Adam Zarrin, Gov's Office & Joe Thome, DCJ)
(Staff contact: Damien Angel,
Study Groups: The WG identified four topics for further exploration and created four related study groups:
- Diversion Eligibility Criteria [aka, "Eligibility SG" or "Criteria SG"] (Elaina Shively, Lead)
- Diversion Process and Referral Authority(Bruce Brown, Lead)
- Diversion Service Delivery and Screening Tools [aka, "Services SG"] (Abigail Tucker, Lead)
- Sealing Working Group(WG Leader: Audrey Weiss, D.A. Office, 1st J.D.)
(Staff contact: Stephane Waisanen,
*Pursuant to § 24-6-402(2)(a), C.R.S., "All meetings of two or more members of any state public body at which any public business is discussed or at which any formal action may be taken are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times."
- Diversion Working Group (WG Co-Leaders: Adam Zarrin, Gov's Office & Joe Thome, DCJ)
- Materials
- The Drug Offense Task Force materials.
(Minutes of the Task Force meetings may be found below under "Previous Meetings.")
(displayed in reverse chronological order)
Drug-Offense Related Mandates - Senate Bill 2019-008 Final Report (Commission)
RECOMMENDATIONS: [As Approved by the Commission]
Recommendation FY20-DR #01: Create and Implement a Process for Automatically Sealing Criminal Conviction Records for Drug Offenses [Budgetary]
Recommendation FY20-DR #02. Support a Public Health Model of Deflection [Policy].
FEBRUARY 13, 2020
Presentation to Diversion Working Group (Jac Charlier, PTACC*)
PRESENTATION: PTACC - Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion
HANDOUT: PTACC - Guiding Principles to Guide Behavioral Health Practice in Pre-Arrest Diversion Programs
HANDOUT: PTACC - Core Measures for Five Pre-Arrest Diversion Frameworks
HANDOUT: PTACC- R Street Policy Study - Statewide Policies Relating to Pre-Arrest Diversion and Crisis Response
* Police, Treatment and Community Collaborative []
JANUARY 9, 2020
HANDOUT: Memo - Referral Process and Authority (Bruce Brown, D.A. Office, 5th J.D.)
HANDOUT: Eligibility Criteria-Pilot Program (Matt Karzen, D.A. Office, 14th J.D.)
DECEMBER 12, 2019
Study Group Reports (Diversion Working Group)
PRESENTATION: Eligibility Criteria Study Group Report (Elaina Shively, D.A. Office, 20th J.D.)
PRESENTATION: Process & Referral Study Group Report (Bruce Brown,D.A. Office, 5th J.D.)
LINK: ASSIST Screening Tool (World Health Organization)
NOVEMBER 7, 2019
Proposed Probation Case Management Typologies (Glenn Tapia, Div. of Probation Services)
HANDOUT: Proposed Probation Typologies
PRESENTATION: Proposed Probation Typologies
"Services" Study Group documents (of the Diversion Working Group)
HANDOUT: Substance Use Disorder Investments By Region (Colorado Office of Behavioral Health/CDHS)
HANDOUT: Bridging the Divide: Addressing Colorado's Substance Use Disorder Needs (Feb. 2017, Keystone Policy Center)
HANDOUT: Harm Reduction Locations
HANDOUT: Substance Use Disorder Screening Tools
LINK: SBIRT in Colorado (see also, the SBIRT Advisory Council)
(SBIRT = Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment)
SEPTEMBER 12, 2019
PRESENTATION: CCJJ Task Force 101 [ppt] (Kim English, DCJ)
PRESENTATION: DOTF: Background - Record Sealing Eligibility (Maureen Cain, State Public Defender's Office)
- Previous Meetings
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its committees.