Meetings of the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) scheduled during the 2023 calendar year and related documents may be found below. Information on other calendar year meetings of the CCJJ may be found on the "Meetings" menu in the navigation (or ☰ menu) above. Use the navigation link above for information on the meetings of CCJJ Committees.
Date Time Location Agenda No further meetings -- - The Commission will complete any ongoing mandated work by September 2023.
Following the Commission sunset by the House Judiciary Committee action to postpone indefinitely Senate Bill 2023-158 on May 7, 2023, the final "subgroup" meetings were the May 8, 2023 meeting of the Community Corrections Task Force and the May 9, 2023 meeting of the Reentry Task Force. The final meeting of the Commission was held on May 12, 2023. The June 5, 2023 meeting of the Community Corrections Task Force adjourned without achieving a quorum and, with no further business, the June 9, 2023 meeting of the Commission was canceled. There are no further meetings.Meeting Schedule 2023
No further meetings
Meeting Accessibility (In-person meetings): CDPS is committed to the full inclusion of all individuals. As part of this commitment, CDPS will ensure reasonable accommodations are provided to enable all people to engage fully in our trainings, meetings and events. To request accommodations, please contact CCJJ staff support [laurence.lucero(at)] at least two weeks before the meeting date for which you need an accommodation. Please make sure also to let us know if you need any of the materials in an alternative format.
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its committees.
Previous Meetings: 2023
- June 9, 2023 - CANCELED
Date Time Location CANCELED
Friday, June 9, 20231:30 - 4:00pm Virtual meeting Agenda
Meeting Audio
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.- May 12, 2023 (Virtual meeting)
Date Time Location Friday, May 12, 2023 1:30 - 4:00pm Virtual meeting Agenda
2023-05-12 CCJJ Agenda
2023-05-12 CCJJ Minutes
Governor Jared S. Polis
LETTER: Thank You Remarks to the Commission
Community Corrections Task Force
PRESENTATION: Task Force Update & Overview of Draft Recommendation
(Glenn Tapia, Task Force Chair)
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.- April 14, 2023 (Virtual meeting)
Date Time Location Friday, April 14, 2023 1:30 - 4:00pm Virtual meeting Agenda
2023-04-14 CCJJ Agenda
2023-04-14 CCJJ Minutes
PRESENTATION: Criminal Justice Trends in Colorado (PowerPoint)
(Jack Reed, Research Director, Office of Research and Statistics, Division of Criminal Justice)
[Note: This is a summary of selected criminal justice trends. This summary is not derived from a published report.]
PRESENTATION: Pre-Adolescent Services Task Force Final Report (PowerPoint)
(Kelly Abbott & Sara Boylan, Task Force Members & Gretchen Russo, Task Force Staff)
For additional information see the PASTF Final Report (Feb. 2023) and/or visit the PASTF website at the CDHS.)
Other Resources
BRIEF: Crime Increase in Colorado: Multiple Explanations
(offered by Abigail Tucker; authored by Lisa Pasko, Ph.D., Denver University)
House Bill 2022-1131. Measures to Reduce Justice Involvement for Young Children
House Bill 2022-1131: Gov. Polis Signing Statement
See minutes
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.- March 10, 2023 (Virtual meeting)
Date Time Location Friday, March 10, 2023 1:30 - 4:00pm Virtual meeting Agenda
2023-03-10 CCJJ Agenda
2023-03-10 CCJJ Minutes
Kira Jukes- Representing Juvenile Justice
(Appointed 08/2022; Resigned 03/2023)
Sentencing Reform Task Force (SRTF)
Final Recommendation
(See final "As approved" version below.)
HANDOUT: FY23-SR #04. Change Felony Crime Classifications and Sentence Enhancement Provisions of the Criminal Code [Statutory]
(Rick Kornfeld & Michael Dougherty, Task Force Co-chairs)
Recommendation FY23-SR #04. Change Felony Crime Classifications and Sentence Enhancement Provisions of the Criminal Code [Statutory] [As approved]
2023-03-10 CCJJ Votes
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.- February 24, 2023 - Extra meeting (Virtual)
Date Time Location Friday, February 24, 2023 1:30 - 4:00pm Virtual meeting Agenda
2023-02-24 CCJJ Agenda
2023-02-24 CCJJ Minutes
Sentencing Reform Task Force (SRTF)
Preliminary Recommendation
(Note: Preliminary recommendations are not posted. Recommendation documents are only posted following approval by the Commission.)
HANDOUT: FY22-SR #04. Change Felony Crime Classifications and Sentence Enhancement Provisions of the Criminal Code [Statutory]
(Michael Dougherty, SRTF Co-chair)
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.- February 10, 2023 (Hybrid meeting)
Date Time Location Friday, February 10, 2023 1:30 - 4:00pm Virtual meeting Agenda
2023-01-27 CCJJ Agenda
2023-02-10 CCJJ Minutes
Office for Victims Programs
PRESENTATION: Mass Tragedy Events - The Victim Advocacy Response
(Kelly Kissell, Manager/ Office for Victim Programs, Division of Criminal Justice)
See also:
Office for Victims Programs -
Mass Tragedy Toolkit for Crime Victim Advocates -
Colorado Healing Fund -
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.- January 27, 2023 - Extra meeting (Virtual)
Date Time Location Friday, January 27, 2023 1:30 - 4:00pm Virtual meeting Agenda
2023-01-27 CCJJ Agenda
2023-01-27 CCJJ Minutes
Sentencing Reform Task Force (SRTF)
Final Recommendation
(See final "As approved" versions below.)
HANDOUT: FY23-SR #02. Amend and Append Motor Vehicle Theft Provisions [Statutory]
HANDOUT: FY23-SR #03. Reclassify Selected Felony Crimes [Statutory]
(Rick Kornfeld, Task Force Co-chair)
Recommendation FY23-SR #02. Amend and Append Motor Vehicle Theft Provisions [Statutory] [As approved]
Recommendation FY23-SR #03. Reclassify Selected Felony Crimes [Statutory] [As approved]
2023-01-27 CCJJ Votes
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.- January 13, 2023 (Hybrid meeting)
Date Time Location Friday, January 13, 2023 1:30 - 4:00pm Hybrid meeting
690 Kipling, Lakewood, CO
& VirtualAgenda
2023-01-13 CCJJ Agenda
2023-01-13 CCJJ Minutes
Sentencing Reform Task Force (SRTF)
Final Recommendation
HANDOUT: FY23-SR #01. Standardize Early Termination Review in Probation [Policy]
(See final "As approved" version below.)
(Glenn Tapia, Working Group Leader, Sentencing Alternative/Decisions & Probation Working Group)
Preliminary Recommendations
(Note: Preliminary recommendations are not posted. Recommendation documents are only posted following approval by the Commission.)
HANDOUT: FY22-SR #02. Amend and Append Motor Vehicle Theft Provisions [Statutory]
HANDOUT: FY22-SR #03. Reclassify Selected Felony Crimes [Statutory]
(Michael Dougherty, Working Group Leader, Sentence Structure Working Group & SRTF Co-chair)
General Update
Please see the website of the Pre-Adolescent Services Task Force in the Colorado Department of Human Services regarding House Bill 2022-1131 (Reduce Justice-involvement For Young Children). The bill "required the Colorado Department of Human Services to create a 32-member task force to examine potential gaps in services for juveniles who are 10-12 years of age, should the minimum age of prosecution of juveniles increase from 10 to 13. The task force will identify how the identified services can be delivered outside the juvenile justice system and make recommendations for funding those services."
Recommendation FY23-SR #01. Standardize Early Termination in Probation [Policy] [As approved]
2023-01-13 CCJJ Votes
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.