Opioid Investigations Subcommittee

The Opioid Investigations Subcommittee was seated September 2019 and concluded July 2020.

The Opioid Investigations Subcommittee was seated by the Commission September 2019 in response to a mandate by the Colorado General Assembly pursuant to Senate Bill 2019-008 (Concerning treatment of individuals with substance abuse disorders who come into contact with the criminal justice system). Based on the statutory mandate, the Commission charged the Subcommittee to study and make recommendations concerning, best practices for investigating unlawful opioid distribution in Colorado, including the creation of black market opioid investigatory entities at the State and local levels. The Commission deadline to provide a report was by July 1, 2020 to the Judiciary and the Public Health Care and Human Services Committees of the House of Representatives and the Judiciary and the Health and Human Services Committees of the Senate. Due to COVID-19, the final Commission report was submitted in September 2020.

Note: Additional mandates found in S.B.19-008 were assigned to the Drug Offense Task Force.

No further meetings

No further meetings scheduled.

For information, contact Damien Angel, damien.angel@state.co.us.


Opioid Investigations Subcommittee


Senate Bill 2019 - 008
pdf icon SB19-008
To study and make recommendations concerning:
Best practices for investigating unlawful opioid distribution in Colorado, including the creation of black market opioid investigatory entities at the State and local levels.

The Commission must provide a report by July 1, 2020 with its findings and recommendations to the Judiciary and the Public Health Care and Human Services Committees of the House of Representatives and the Judiciary and the Health and Human Services Committees of the Senate, or any successor committees.

Additional Commission mandates found in S.B.19-008 have been assigned to the Drug Offense Task Force to study and make recommendations concerning:
a) Alternatives to filing criminal charges against individuals with substance use disorders who have been arrested for drug-related offenses, and
b) A process for automatically sealing criminal records for drug offense convictions.
Proposed Work Plan  
  Due to the COVID-19 related suspension of all CCJJ activities (Commission/Task Force/Subcommittee mtgs.), the mandated report was delayed.

The timeline benchmarks of the Subcommittee may be completed earlier, but must be completed NO LATER THAN the following dates:
Thru March 2020 - Legal/statutory/literature reviews and data analyses, monthly Subcommittee meetings.
March 12, 2020 - Subcommittee final review of draft report/recommendations and completes final discussion and vote.
April 10, 2020 - Subcommittee provides preliminary presentation of draft report/recommendations to Commission.
(CCJJ meeting abandoned due to pandemic)
Timeline adjusted from this point due to pandemic
June 12, 2020 - Subcommittee provides preliminary presentation of draft report/recommendations to Commission.
July 10, 2020 - Final presentation of report/recommendations presented to CCJJ and CCJJ conducts final discussion and vote.
- Subcommittee recommendations must be combined with Drug Offense Task Force (DOTF) recommendations for SB19-008 report. Final review of the DOTF recommendations to be completed September 2020.
September 2020 - Staff compile final report including informational memo and related recommendations from the Subcommittee and DOTF.
- Report/recommendations finalized and submitted to the General Assembly.
Subcommittee Members

The members of this Subcommittee were appointed by the CCJJ Chair and Vice-Chair to represent the expertise necessary to meet the legislative mandate. The names, agencies and affiliations of members are provided below.

Name Affiliation
Bill Kilpatrick, Subcommittee Co-chair (CCJJ) Police Department, Golden
Matt Lewis, Subcommittee Co-chair (CCJJ) Sheriff's Office, Mesa County
Maria Butler Prescription Drug Overdose, CO Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
Jose Esquibel CO Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention
Todd Fahlsing West Metro Drug Task Force (Arvada/Golden/Lakewood/Wheat Ridge PDs)
Tom Gorman Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
Peter McNeilly U.S. Attorney\'s Office
Lindsey Myers Violence and Injury Prevention, CDPHE
Ray Padilla Colorado Drug Investigators Association
Lisa Raville Harm Reduction Action Center
Cathy Traugott Pharmacy Office, CO Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Dan Volz Black Market Marijuana Interdiction, CO Bureau of Investigation
Scot Williams Sheriff's Office, Boulder County
Staff: Damien Angel (damien.angel@state.co.us)
(CCJJ) - Commission members
J.D.- Judicial District
Former Members
Name Affiliation
Janet Drake (CCJJ) Attorney General\'s Office

The Opioid Investigations Subcommittee established no subgroups.


The Opioid Investigations Subcommittee materials.
(Minutes of the Subcommittee meetings may be found below under "Previous Meetings.")

(displayed in reverse chronological order)


pdf icon Drug-Offense Related Mandates - Senate Bill 2019-008 Final Report (Commission)


RECOMMENDATIONS: [As Approved by the Commission]

pdf icon 2020-07-10 FY20-OP #01: Establish a Statewide Entity to Coordinate Strategy Regarding Dangerous Drug [Statutory, Budgetary]

pdf icon 2020-07-10 FY20-OP #03: Implement Unified Drug Overdose Reporting and Tracking [Statutory]

The Subcommittee approved, but the Commission did not approve, the following draft recommendation:
pdf icon Recommendation DRAFT: FY20-OP #02 (regarding supplementary investigation teams)

JANUARY 9, 2020
pdf icon HANDOUT: Summary - Subcommittee Progress (Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)

DECEMBER 12, 2019
pdf icon PRESENTATION: Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP)
(Jeff Beeson &, Gordie Burke, Washington/Baltimore HIDTA*)
(* HIDTA - High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area)

NOVEMBER 7, 2019
pdf icon PRESENTATION: 2019 Threat Assessment [June 2019]
(Strategic Intelligence Unit, Investigative Support Ctr., Rocky Mountain HIDTA*)
pdf icon PRESENTATION: Denver Digital Currency/Darknet Working Group 
(A. McWhirter, D. Pope, &, M. Green, Homeland Security Investigations, I.C.E.)
pdf icon PRESENTATION: Heroin / Opiate Investigations 
(R.Padilla, CO Drug Investigators Association & T. Fahlsing, West Metro Drug Task Force)

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019
pdf icon PRESENTATION: CCJJ "Subcommittee 101" [ppt] (Kim English, DCJ)

Resources: from the Police Executive Research Forum (policeforum.org/)
link icon LINK:The Unprecedented Opioid Epidemic (2017)
pdf icon REPORT: Building Successful Partnerships between Law Enforcement and Public Health Agencies to Address Opioid Use (2016)
Previous Meetings

See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its committees.

Date Time Location Minutes
Thursday, May 7, 2020 CANCELED
Thursday, April 9, 2020 CANCELED
Thursday, March 12, 2020 9:00-11:30am 2nd Floor Meeting Room
Colorado Department of Public Safety
710 Kipling, Lakewood, CO 80215
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Thursday, February 13, 2020 9:00-11:30am 2nd Floor Meeting Room
Colorado Department of Public Safety
710 Kipling, Lakewood, CO 80215
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Thursday, January 9, 2020 9:00-11:30am 2nd Floor Meeting Room
Colorado Department of Public Safety
710 Kipling, Lakewood, CO 80215
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Thursday, December 12, 2019 9:00-11:30am 2nd Floor Meeting Room
Colorado Department of Public Safety
710 Kipling, Lakewood, CO 80215
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Thursday, November 7, 2019 9:00-11:30am 4th Floor Training Room
Colorado Department of Public Safety
700 Kipling, Lakewood, CO 80215
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Thursday, October 10, 2019 9:00-11:30am 2nd Floor Meeting Room
Colorado Department of Public Safety
710 Kipling, Lakewood, CO 80215
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Thursday, September 12, 2019 9:00-11:30am 2nd Floor Meeting Room
Colorado Department of Public Safety
710 Kipling, Lakewood, CO 80215
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