The current Community Corrections Task Force was seated by the Commission and conducted a first meeting in July 2022 and concluded on June 5, 2023. This Task Force deliberated the mandates outlined in House Bill 2022-1368 regarding community corrections outlined below in "Mandates." Additionally, members, subgroups, previous meeting materials and minutes can be found below.
The Commission seated two previous groups on the topic of community corrections: the Community Corrections Subcommittee that met from March to July 2009 and the Community Corrections Task Force that met from April 2013 to October 2016.
- No further meetings
Date Time Location No further meetings scheduled - - TF- TASK FORCE MEETING DATES
Unless noted otherwise, all Task Force meetings occurred on the MONDAY of the same week as the Friday Commission meetings, which always occur on the second Friday of the month.For information, contact Task Force staff: Laurence Lucero (laurence.lucero<at>
Meeting Accessibility: CDPS is committed to the full inclusion of all individuals. As part of this commitment, CDPS will ensure reasonable accommodations are provided to enable all people to engage fully in our trainings, meetings and events. To request accommodations, please contact CCJJ staff support [laurence.lucero<at>] at least two weeks before the meeting date for which you need an accommodation. Please make sure also to let us know if you need any of the materials in an alternative format.See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.
- Task Force Mandates
These mandates were completed and addressed. Please see the CCJJ: Community Corrections Task Force: Final Report pursuant to H.B. 2022-1368 (March 15, 2024).
Pursuant to House Bill 2022-1368 regarding community corrections, the mandates in statute for the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice and assigned to the Community Corrections Task Force [2022] include the general charge and timeline and specific study topics.
The general charge and timeline for the Task Force is established in statute, specifically:
a) to establish a Task Force to examine and make findings and recommendations to the Commission concerning whether it is appropriate to improve access to community corrections programs for persons convicted of misdemeanors;
b) on or before July 1, 2023, the Task Force shall create a report of its findings and recommendations and submit them to the Commission; and
c) during the 2024 Legislative Session, the Commission shall include, as part of its 2024 SMART Act hearing, the findings and recommendations gathered by the Task Force.
Regarding the elements of study, the Task Force will address the community corrections topics outlined in House Bill 2022-1368, namely:
(a) an analysis of the population convicted of misdemeanors, including crimes of conviction and assessed risk by gender, age, race, and ethnicity;
(b) the services provided by community corrections programs that may be beneficial to persons convicted of misdemeanors;
(c) which persons convicted of misdemeanors, based on their assessed risk, would benefit from services provided by community corrections programs;
(d) the ability to provide services to persons convicted of misdemeanors that align with their assessed risk using existing community corrections program resources;
(e) parameters for persons convicted of misdemeanors to access services at residential and nonresidential community corrections programs;
(f) what costs persons convicted of misdemeanors are responsible for at community corrections programs;
(g) what funding is necessary for community corrections programs to serve persons convicted of misdemeanors; and
(h) what changes, including legislation, are necessary for community corrections programs to better serve persons convicted of misdemeanors.- Task Force Members
The membership of the Community Corrections Task Force is defined in statute (HB22-1368). The CCJJ Chair and Vice-Chair shall appoint the Task Force Chair and Vice-Chair and members to the defined positions as provided below.
Position Name/ Affiliation Division of Probation Services, Chair # Glenn Tapia/ Division of Probation Services (CCJJ) Community Corrections Program rep.*, Vice Chair Tim Hand/ Larimer County Community Corrections Community Corrections Program rep.* Mark Wester/ ComCor, Inc. Community Corrections Program rep.* [rural] Doug Carrigan/ Advantage Treatment Centers Community Corrections Board rep. Chris Meeks/ Denver Board member Lived experience rep.^ TBD Community Reentry Advocate@ David Coleman/ Second Chance Center Victim Rights Advocate Kristiana Huitron/ Voces Unidas for Justice (CCJJ) Division of Criminal Justice rep. Katie Ruske/ Division of Criminal Justice Sheriff or designee Todd Rowell/ Mesa County Sheriff's Office Chief Probation Office or designee John Draxler/ Probation Office, 13th Judicial District (JD) Elected D.A. or designee Ken Kupfner/ D. A. Office, 20th JD State Public Defender or designee James Karbach/ Arapahoe County Office Staff: Laurence Lucero (
(CCJJ) - Commission members
# The Chair and Vice Chair will be drawn from the 13 statutorily-defined experience/designation requirements resulting in the 13 total positions on the Task Force. Either the Chair or the Vice-Chair must be an appointed or designated member of the Commission.
Pursuant to HB22-1368:
* There are three Community Corrections Program representatives, only one of whom is a voting member; the other two are non-voting members. One of these three must represent rural Colorado.
^ The Lived Experience representative must have participated as a resident in a residential community corrections program.
@ “One representative from an organization advocating for the rights of persons who transition from custody to the community.”
J.D. - Judicial District
D.A. - District Attorney- Subgroups
The Community Corrections Task Force [2022] created the following Study Groups.*
- Legal Study Group - investigated and reported on legal/statutory aspects of serving misdemeanants in community corrections.
- Programmatic Study Group - investigated and reported on the affects on and availability of programs and services applicable to misdemeanants in community corrections.
* Pursuant to § 24-6-402(2)(a), C.R.S., "All meetings of two or more members of any state public body at which any public business is discussed or at which any formal action may be taken are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times." Study Group members were subject matter experts who were not members of CCJJ.- Legal Study Group - investigated and reported on legal/statutory aspects of serving misdemeanants in community corrections.
- Materials
The Community Corrections Task Force [2022] materials
Minutes of the Community Corrections Task Force [2022] may be found below under "Previous Meetings."
DECMBER 5, 2022MEETING NOTES - Summary of Points of Concurrence and Future Work
(Shared by Glenn Tapia, Task Force Chair)
NOVEMBER 7, 2022POWERPOINT - Gender, Race & Ethnicity of Misdemeanants in Probation
(Erin Crites, Division of Probation Services)
SEPTEMBER 12, 2022POWERPOINT - Brief Summary: Community Corrections Outcome Data
(Matthew Tullis, Office of Community Corrections, Division of Criminal Justice)
Crime and Justice Institute ReportsREPORT: Improving Outcomes and Safely Reducing Revocations from Probation Supervision in Colorado [July 2022]
REPORT: Promoting Success on Community Supervision [July 2022]
(Shared by Glenn Tapia, Task Force Chair)
AUGUST 22, 2022POWERPOINT - CCJJ Background and Introduction
(Jack Reed, Division of Criminal Justice)POWERPOINT - Exploring Misdemeanants in Community Corrections
(Erin Crites, Division of Probation Services)- Previous Meetings
Minutes of previous meetings are posted here, subsequent to applicable committee approval. Meeting audio was available for six months (180 days) from the meeting date. All meeting audio availability expired. The minutes documents serve as the record of meetings.
CCTF = Community Corrections Task ForceCommittee Date/Time Location Minutes / Audio FINAL MEETING
CCTFJune 5, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting FAILED TO ACHIEVE QUORUM 6/5/23 Minutes
CCTF May 8, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF April 10, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF March 6, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF February 6, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF January 9, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF December 5, 2022
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF November 7, 2022
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF October 10, 2022
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF September 12, 2022
10:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF August 22, 2022
11:30am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting CCTF
Planning meetingJuly 22, 2022
11:00am - 12:00pmVirtual Meeting