The Age of Delinquency Task Force was seated by the Commission in February 2018 and concluded July 2020.
The Task Force was initially seated to address the following topics: appropriateness of juvenile placements and treatment based on considerations of brain development, chronological age, maturity, trauma history and potential traumatic impacts, review of the appropriateness of assessments currently in use, and Youthful Offender System outcomes following recent eligibility changes.
Subsequently, the Commission assigned mandates to the Age of Delinquency Task Force, pursuant to House Bill 2019-1149. The Commission was mandated to: a) Compile data regarding all criminal filings in the state from the last 3 years that data is available in which a defendant is at least 18 or up to 25 years of age,and b) Study the established brain research for emerging adults and the data collected, study the potential impacts on the division of youth services and youthful offender system (if they also served emerging adults), and make recommendations to the general assembly regarding appropriate uses of the juvenile justice system for emerging adults. The Commission deadline to create a report of the collected data and recommendations was June 30, 2020 for the Judiciary Committees of the House of Representatives and Senate. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission submitted its report to the aforementioned legislative committees on August 21, 2020.
- No further meetings
Date Time Location No further meetings Note: The Age of Delinquency Task Force met on the Wednesday that immediately precedes the Friday Commission meeting.
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its committees.___________________________________________________________
For information, contact Stephane Waisanen ( - Mandates/Timeline
House Bill 2019 - 1149
To study issues regarding the age of delinquency. The Commission must:
a) Compile data regarding all criminal filings in the state from the last 3 years that data is available in which a defendant is at least 18 or up to 25 years of age, and
b) Study the established brain research for emerging adults and the data collected, study the potential impacts on the division of youth services and youthful offender system (if they also served emerging adults), and make recommendations to the general assembly regarding appropriate uses of the juvenile justice system or youthful offender system for emerging adults.
The commission must create a report and submit the collected data and recommendations by June 30, 2020 for the Judiciary Committees of the House of Representatives and Senate.Proposed Work Plan Due to the COVID-19 related suspension of all CCJJ activities (Commission/Task Force/Subcommittee mtgs.), the timeline and mandated report was delayed.
The timeline benchmarks of the Task Force may be completed earlier, but must be completed NO LATER THAN the following dates:Thru March 2020 - Legal/statutory/literature reviews & data analyses March 12, 2020 - Task Force reviews draft report/recommendations from Working Groups April 8, 2020 - Task Force finalizes all draft report/recommendations and conducts final discussion and vote April 10, 2020 - Task Force provides preliminary presentation of draft report/recommendations to CCJJ
(CCJJ meeting abandoned due to pandemic)Timeline adjusted from this point, due to the pandemic June 12, 2020 - Task Force provides preliminary presentation of draft report/recommendations to CCJJ July 10, 2020 - Final presentation of draft report/recommendations presented to CCJJ and CCJJ conducts final discussion and vote
- Staff compile final report including informational memo, related recommendations (FY20-AD #01 and FY20-AD #02), and requested data described in "Mandate: a)" above.August 21, 2020 - Report finalized and submitted to the Judiciary Committees of the Colorado General Assembly. - Task Force Members
To ensure balanced representation on the Age of Delinquency Task Force, the CCJJ Chair and Vice-Chair employed a template to guide the appointment process. Representative agencies and stakeholders were determined first, followed by the appointment of volunteers to the available positions.
Name Affiliation Jessica Jones, Co-Chair (CCJJ) Criminal Defense representative (Private Defense) Joe Thome, Co-Chair (CCJJ) Division of Criminal Justice Priscilla Gartner (CCJJ) Juvenile Unit, State Public Defender's Office Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez (CCJJ) Legislative representative (State Rep., CO House District 4) Angie Paccione (CCJJ) Exec. Dir., CO Department of Higher Education Gretchen Russo (CCJJ) CDHS, Judicial and Legislative Administrator David Bergman Youthful Offender System, CDOC Jim Bullock District Attorney Office representative - Bent County, 16th J.D. (small district) Maureen Cain Public Defender's Office Shawn Cohn Juvenile Probation representative - Denver (large district) Kelly Friesen Senate Bill 94 representative - Grand County Bev Furano Victim representative Arnold Hanuman Colorado District Attorneys' Council Anders Jacobson Division of Youth Services, CDHS Dan Makelky Child Welfare, Local agency representative (Douglas County DHS) Dafna Michaelson Jenet Legislative representative (State Rep., CO House District 30) Rich Persons Warden, Youthful Offender System Tariq Sheikh District Attorney Office representative - Adams County,17th J.D. (large district) TBD (position vacated) Law Enforcement representative TBD (position vacated) Juvenile Probation representative (small district) TBD (position vacated) Judicial representative (Juvenile Court Magistrate) TBD(position vacated) Juvenile assessment center representative Staff: Stephane Waisanen (
(CCJJ) - Current or Former Commission members
* J.D.- Judicial DistrictFormer Members Name Affiliation Molli Barker Juvenile Assessment Center representative (18th J.D.*) Audra Bishop Children, Youth, & Families, CO Dept. of Public Health & Environment Janet Drake (CCJJ) Deputy Attorney General (Criminal Justice) Tony Gherardini (CCJJ) Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) representative Melanie Gilbert Judicial representative (Juvenile Court Magistrate) and At-Large Cynthia Kowert (CCJJ) Deputy Attorney General (Criminal Justice) Rose Rodriguez (CCJJ) Community Corrections provider Sara Strufing Public Defender's Office Meg Williams (CCJJ) Juvenile Parole Board representative - Subgroups
The Age of Delinquency Task Force seated Working Groups* (WG) that explored the following topic areas:
- Collaborative Interactions WG (Kelly Friesen, WG Leader)
- Community Supervision WG (Shawn Cohn, WG Leader)
- Youthful Offender System WG ( Maureen Cain, WG Leader)
*Pursuant to ยง 24-6-402(2)(a), C.R.S., "All meetings of two or more members of any state public body at which any public business is discussed or at which any formal action may be taken are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times." - Materials
The Age of Delinquency Task Force has posted the following materials.
(Minutes of the Task Force may be found below under "Previous Meetings.")MEETING AND OTHER MATERIALS
(displayed in reverse chronological order)
Age of Delinquency - HB 2019-1149 Final Report (Commission)
FY20-AD #01: Incorporate Standards to Formally Recognize and Address the Needs of Young Adults in Probation Supervision [Policy]
FY20-AD #02: Revise Youthful Offender System Statutes [Statutory]
OCTOBER 2019 TASK FORCE MEETINGHandout: Defendant Data, Aged 18-24 (Kim English, Division of Criminal Justice/CDPS)
Presentation: Brain Injury, Development and Juvenile Justice: Recommendations for Success
Handout: Strategies and Accommodations Guidebook- for Criminal Justice (05/06/2019)
Handout: Strategies and Accommodations Guidebook- for Community Mental Health (05/06/2019)
Handout: Strategies and Accommodations Guidebook- Tips for Clients (05/06/2019)
Handout: Ohio State University TBI Identification Method - Interview Form
(See also,OSU Training and Information on the OSU TBI-ID procedure)
Presentation: Adult Diversion Programs (Elaina Shively, Director/Deputy DA, Ctr. for Prevention & Restorative Justice, Boulder DA Office)
Handout: Dos and Don'ts for Reducing Recidivism among Young Adults in the Justice System (CSG, 2017,
JUNE 2019 TASK FORCE MEETINGHandout: Article Bibliography (offered by Jim Bullock, Bent County DA Office)
MAY 2019 TASK FORCE MEETINGHandout: CY 2016-2018 - Probation Terminations for Clients Aged 18-to-25 (Peg Flick, Division of Criminal Justice)
Handout: DYS Data and Trends (Emerging Youth) (_____, Division of Youth Services)
Presentation: Youthful Offender System Overview (David Bergman, DOC/Youthful Offender System)
Presentation: 2018 YOS Evaluation - Summary of Findings (Kim English, Division of Criminal Justice, CDPS)
APRIL 2019 TASK FORCE MEETINGPresentation: The Case for Understanding Adolescent Brain (Audra Bishop, CO Department of Public Health and Environment)
Handout: Age of Delinquency Task Force / Group Values (Richard Stroker, Commission Consultant)
MARCH 2019 TASK FORCE MEETINGHandout: Court Filings for Defendants Aged 18-to-25 (Peg Flick, Division of Criminal Justice)
JANUARY 2019 TASK FORCE MEETINGHandout: Council of State Governments Center - Colorado Initiative
(For additional CSG: CO IOYouth resources, please see the CCJJ December 2018 meeting materials)Handout: Restorative Justice (Matt Riede, Restorative Justice Colorado)
JUNE 2018 TASK FORCE MEETINGPresentation: State Funded Diversion Programs (Meg Williams, CDPS/Division of Criminal Justice)
Presentation: Youth & Family Connections (Kelly Schramm, Y & FC Executive Director)
Handout: Data - H.B. 15-1273 - Students age 10, 11 and 12 (Meg Williams, CDPS/Division of Criminal Justice)
FEBRUARY 2018 TASK FORCE MEETINGTask Force Introduction and Background
Presentation: CCJJ 101: Introduction and Background (Presented by Germaine Miera, Division of Criminal Justice)
Age of Delinquency (Presented by Meg Williams, Division of Criminal Justice)
Presentation: Colorado Historical Perspective (original) [Please see this printer-friendly version!]
Reforming Juvenile Justice (Presented by Kim English, Division of Criminal Justice)
Presentation: Summary: Reforming Juvenile Justice: A Developmental Approach (National Research Council, 2013)
Colorado Court Filings
Handout: Cases for Ages 10 to 25 (CY 2014 to CY 2016) (Peg Flick, Division of Criminal Justice)
Additional handouts or links:(Presented by Kim English, Division of Criminal Justice)
Handout:U.S. Age Boundaries of Delinquency 2016 (JJGPS Statescan; 07/2016;
Massachusetts Justice System Wrestles with How to Define "Adult" (CSM, 12/7/2017)
Handout: It's More than Time to Raise the Age in Michigan (Juvenile Justice Information Exchange; 11/2/2017;
Handout: The Teen Brain: 6 Things to Know (NIH Publication No. OM 16-4307, 2016;
Handout: Trauma Histories among Justice-involved Youth (European J. of Psychotraumatology, 2013:4)
(Available online at,
Handout: Policy Highlights - Reforming Juvenile Justice: A Developmental Approach (National Research Council, 06/2013;
- Previous Meetings
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its committees.