Meetings of the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) scheduled during the 2017 calendar year and related documents may be found below. Information on other calendar year meetings of the CCJJ may be found on the "Meetings" menu in the navigation (or ☰ menu) above. Use the navigation link above for information on the meetings of CCJJ Committees.
- January 13, 2017
Date Time Location January 13, 2017 1:00 - 4:00pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-01-13 CCJJ Agenda
2017-01-13 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
CCJJ FY 2016 Annual Report (Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant
CCJJ 2016 Accomplishments and Timeline (Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
Mental Health /Jails Task Force Handouts
Final Presentation: Recommendations FY17-MH #01 to MH #04 (Melissa Roberts, CDOC Parole Division)
(See the "As Approved" versions in RECOMMENDATIONS below.)
FY17-MH #01: Strengthen a Community-Based Crisis Response and Bill Draft (Statutory, FY17-MH #01-draft)
FY17-MH #02: Changes to Emergency Mental Health Commitment Statute (Statutory, FY17-MH #02-draft)
FY17-MH #03: Include Mental Health First Aid® Curriculum in POST- In-service Training (Policy, FY17-MH #03-draft)
FY17-MH #04: Include Mental Health First Aid® Curriculum in POST- Basic Academy (Policy, FY17- #04-draft)
See also, these related efforts on Mental Health and Criminal Justice:
-The Mental Health Hold Task Force (CDHS)
-- MMHTF: Final Report and Recommendations
-- Emergency Mental Health Hold Rules (November 2018)
-- Rules Document (2019-01-01)
- The Equitas Project (Equitas merged with Mental Health Colorado [ ])
-- 2016 Course Corrections Summit (site no longer available)
-- CCS: Conclusions and Recommendations (2016)
Legislative Subcommittee Update
Update: FY17 Joint Judiciary Committee - CCJJ SMART Act Hearing (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
Summary of CCJJ Recommendations Pending Legislative Action (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
The Mental Health/Jails Task Force presented four recommendations for final discussion and vote. Recommendation documents are posted following approval by the Commission. See the PowerPoint presentation above and the January 2017 Minutes regarding the details and discussion of these four recommendations:
FY17-MH #01: Strengthen a Community-Based Crisis Response (Statutory, As Approved)
FY17-MH #02: Changes to Emergency Mental Health Commitment Statute (Statutory, As Approved)
FY17-MH #03: Include Mental Health First Aid® Curriculum in POST- In-service Training (Policy, As Approved)
FY17-MH #04: Include Mental Health First Aid® Curriculum in POST- Basic Academy (Policy, As Approved)
2017-01-13 CCJJ Votes- February 10, 2017 - Commission Retreat
Date Time Location Commission Retreat
February 10, 20179:30 - 3:30pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-02-10 CCJJ Agenda
2017-02-10 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
In meeting order...
Background Information
2016 Retreat Goals and Outcomes (Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
Criminal Justice Background and Trends (Kim English, DCJ)
Briefing: Executive Summary - CY2015 C.L.E.A.R. Act Report [S.B.2015-185 ] (2016) (Kim English, DCJ)
Updates by Task Force Chairs
CCJJ Task Force Updates (Joe Pelle, MHJTF; Robert Werthwein, JCCTF; Jeanne Smith, DSTF; & Stan Hilkey, RTF)
CCJJ Re-entry Task Force - Housing Update (Stan Hilkey, RTF)
CO Dept. of Local Affairs - Fact Sheet: 2017 Homeless Budget Request
Small Group Exercise
CCJJ: Where Do We Go from Here? Exercise (Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
Retreat Wrap-up (Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair & Doug Wilson, CCJJ Co-Chair)
2017 CCJJ Legislation Update
CCJJ Commissioner - Task Force Membership
Conflict of Interest Certification Form
None- March 10, 2017
Date Time Location March 10, 2017 1:00 - 3:30pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-03-10 CCJJ Agenda
2017-03-10 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
2017 CCJJ Legislation Update (Gabby Reed, CDPS Legislative Liaison)
2017 CCJJ Retreat Goals and Outcomes (Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
History and Overview: CCJJ MOR Subcommittee Recommendations and Accomplishments (PPT Presentation, Germain Miera, DCJ)
Summary: CCJJ MOR Subcommittee Recommendations Summary
Overview - CY2015 C.L.E.A.R. Act Report* [S.B.2015-185] (2016) (PPT Presentation, Kim English, DCJ)
(See also, the CY2015 C.L.E.A.R. Act Executive Summary, FULL REPORT, and Dashboard: Racial and Ethnic Disparity)
* Community Law Enforcement Action Reporting
Mental Health Holds Support Letter to JBC - Colorado Counties, Inc. (Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)
This letter is in support of Senate Bill 2017-207 resulting from efforts by the CDHS/Mental Health Holds Task Force (MHHTF), CCJJ, Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal Justice System Task Force, Behavioral Health Task Force, and mental health advocacy organizations around the state to address the need to divert individuals experiencing behavioral health crises from the criminal justice system. See the 2017 January Meeting for a link to the MHHTF Final Report.
The Commission approved a motion, by unanimous voice vote, that the Office of Research and Statistics within the Division of Criminal Justice conduct further analyses and study of the data gathered for the CY2015 C.L.E.A.R. Act Report. Specifically, Commissioners would like to see selected findings reported by judicial district. See the March 2017 Meeting Minutes for additional details from the discussion of this motion.
- April 14, 2017 - CANCELED
Date Time Location CANCELED
April 14, 2017- - Agenda
N / A
N / A
Documents / Presentations
N / A
N / A- May 12, 2017
Date Time Location May 12, 2017 1:00 - 3:30pm LOCATION CHANGE
Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center
2901 Ford St.
Golden, CO 80401Agenda
2017-05-12 CCJJ Agenda
2017-05-12 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
Legislative Update
2017 CCJJ Legislation Update (Doug Wilson, CCJJ Vice Chair)Related Legislative Update items: Authorization Letters for Interim Legislative Study Committees
Interim Study Committee Regarding Opioid and Other Substance Abuse Disorders (April 28, 2017)
Interim Study Committee Regarding State and Local Public Safety Solutions (April 28, 2017)
Interim Study Committee Regarding Comprehensive Sentencing Reform (April 28, 2017)
(See also the Colorado General Assembly Committees site for information on Interim Committees.)
Task Force Updates
CCJJ Task Force Updates (Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
Re-entry Task Force: Preliminary Recommendations
Re-entry Task Force Preliminary Recommendations (Mark Evans, Re-entry Task Force Member)
Presentation of Preliminary Recommendations [Mp3 audio file] (Mark Evans, Re-entry Task Force Member)
Overview: Division of Youth Services (formerly, Division of Youth Corrections)
Overview of the Division of Youth Corrections (Robert Werthwein, CCJJ Member and Director of Office of Children, Youth, & Families, CDHS)
RECOMMENDATIONS The Re-entry Task Force presented three preliminary recommendations for discussion and feedback.These preliminary recommendations are scheduled for a final presentation and vote at a subsequent meeting of the Commission. Recommendation documents are only posted following approval by the Commission. See the PowerPoint presentation above and the May 2017 Minutes for details regarding these three preliminary recommendations:
- FY17-RE #01: Allow Orders of Collateral Relief after the Time of Sentencing (Statutory)
- FY17-RE #02: Prevent Adverse Private Employment Actions on the Basis of Non-conviction, Sealed, and Expunged Records (Statutory)
- FY17-RE #03: Revise Statutory Guidance on State Licensure and Employment (Statutory)
None- June 9, 2017
Date Time Location June 9, 2017 1:00 - 3:30pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-06-09 CCJJ Agenda
2017-06-09 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
Study of Impact of Certain Drug Sentencing Reforms (SB13-250)-Presentation [pdf/ppt]
(Kim English & Peg Flick, Division of Criminal Justice)
Re-entry Task Force (RTF)
RTF: Final Recommendations FY17-RE #01 to #03: Collateral Consequences-Presentation [pdf/ppt]
(Mark Evans, RTF and CO Public Defender's Office)
(See As Approved; RTF Recommendations below.)
Juvenile Continuity of Care Task Force (JCCTF)
JCCTF: Preliminary Recommendations FY17-JCC #01 to #03: Crossover Youth-Presentation [pdf/ppt]
(Meg Williams, JCC Task Force and DCJ)
(Preliminary recommendations not posted. See June 2017 Minutes.)
Of the People (, Metro State University, Denver)
Of The People Campaign - Presentation [ppt]
(Dacia Messing, Brittany Fitzgerald & James Adam, MSU-Denver)
Discussion of Interim Legislative Study Committees
Interim Study Committee Regarding Opioid and Other Substance Abuse Disorders (April 28, 2017)
Interim Study Committee Regarding State and Local Public Safety Solutions (April 28, 2017)
Interim Study Committee Regarding Comprehensive Sentencing Reform (April 28, 2017)
(See also the Interim Committee websites for Substance Abuse, for Public Safety, and for Sentencing Reform.)
The Re-entry Task Force presented three recommendations for final discussion and vote. See the PowerPoint presentation above and the June 2017 Minutes regarding the discussion of these recommendations:
FY17-RE #01: Allow Orders of Collateral Relief after the Time of Sentencing (Statutory, As Approved)
FY17-RE #02: Prevent Adverse Private Employment Actions on the Basis of Non-conviction, Sealed, and Expunged Records (Statutory, As Approved)
FY17-RE #03: Revise Statutory Guidance on State Licensure and Employment (Statutory, As Approved)
The Juvenile Continuity of Care Task Force presented three preliminary recommendations for discussion and feedback.These preliminary recommendations are scheduled for a final presentation and vote at a subsequent meeting of the Commission. Recommendation documents are only posted following approval by the Commission. See the PowerPoint presentation above and the June 2017 Minutes for details regarding these three preliminary recommendations:
Not posted
- FY17-JCC #01: Create a plan to formally recognize and address the needs of crossover youth (Statutory)
- FY17-JCC #02: Utilize existing funds for local crossover youth plans and services (Statutory)
- FY17-JCC #03: Require permanency planning for legally free youth following a commitment to the Division of Youth Services (Rules/Regulations)
2017-06-09 CCJJ Votes- July 14, 2017
Date Time Location July 14, 2017 1:00 - 3:30pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-07-14 CCJJ Agenda
2017-07-14 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
Juvenile Continuity of Care Task Force (JCCTF) -
JCCTF: Final Recommendations FY17-JCC #01 to #03: Crossover Youth-Presentation [pdf/ppt]
(Robert Werthwein, Chair JCC TF & CDHS/Children, Youth & Families and Meg Williams, JCC Task Force/DCJ)
(See As Approved JCCTF Recommendations below.)
Re-entry Task Force (RTF) -
RTF: Preliminary Recommendations FY17-RE #04 to #07: Collateral Consequences-Presentation [pdf/ppt]
(Mark Evans, RE Task Force and CO Public Defender's Office)
(Preliminary recommendations not posted. See July 2017 Minutes.)
General Update -
Legislative Recommendations Status: FY 2008 to FY 2017
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)
[Revised, 07/21/2017]
The Juvenile Continuity of Care Task Force presented three recommendations for final discussion and vote. See the PowerPoint presentation above and the July 2017 Minutes regarding the discussion of these recommendations:
FY17-JCC #01: Create a plan to formally recognize and address the needs of crossover youth (Statutory, As Approved)
FY17-JCC #02: Utilize existing funds for local crossover youth plans and services (Statutory, As Approved)
FY17-JCC #03: Require permanency planning for legally free youth following a commitment to the Division of Youth Services (Rules/Regulations, As Approved)
The Re-entry Task Force presented four preliminary recommendations for discussion and feedback.These preliminary recommendations are scheduled for a final presentation and vote at a subsequent meeting of the Commission. Recommendation documents are only posted following approval by the Commission. See the PowerPoint presentation above and the July 2017 Minutes for details regarding these four preliminary recommendations:
Not posted
- FY17-RE #04:Promote housing opportunities for people with non-conviction, sealed, and expunged records.
- FY17-RE #05:Provide statutory guidance on public housing decisions.
- FY17-RE #06:Limit the distribution of records concerning arrests that did not result in charges.
- FY17-RE #07:Support pretrial diversion programs.
2017-07-14 CCJJ Votes
- August 11, 2017
Date Time Location August 11, 2017 1:00 - 4:00pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-08-11 CCJJ Agenda
2017-08-11 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
Legislative Interim Committee Discussion
Colorado General Assembly - Interim Committee Charges
(Representative Pete Lee & Senator Don Coram)
Department of Corrections Population Drivers
DOC Population Drivers - Presentation [pdf/ppt]
DOC Population Drivers - Handout
(Kim English & Linda Harrison, Div. of Criminal Justice)
Re-entry Task Force (RTF)
RTF: Recommendation Presentation FY17-RE #04 to #07: Collateral Consequences [pdf/ppt]
(Mark Evans, RTF and CO Public Defender's Office)
[See the "As Approved" versions of the recommendations below.]
The Re-entry Task Force (RTF) presented four recommendations for final discussion and vote. Recommendation FY17-RE#06 was presented, but was withdrawn prior to a vote to allow the RTF Working Group on Collateral Consequences additional time to consult with stakeholders. See the PowerPoint presentation above and the August 2017 Minutes regarding the discussion of these recommendations:
FY17-RE #04: Promote housing opportunities for people with non-conviction, sealed, and expunged records (Statutory, As Approved)
FY17-RE #05: Provide statutory guidance on public housing decisions (Statutory & Policy, As Approved)
FY17-RE #06: Limit the distribution of records concerning arrests that did not result in charges [Vote postponed]
FY17-RE #07: Support pretrial diversion programs (Policy, As Approved)
2017-08-14 CCJJ Votes
- September 8, 2017 - CANCELED
Date Time Location CANCELED
September 8, 20171:00 - 3:30pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
Documents / Presentations
N/A- October 13, 2017
Date Time Location October 13, 2017 1:00 - 3:45pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-10-13 CCJJ Agenda
2017-10-13 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / PresentationsUPDATE: Legislative Interim Committees
Interim Committee Bill Summary [pdf/ppt]
(Gabby Reed, CDPS Legislative Liaison)
UPDATE: Previous CCJJ Recommendations-Legislative Status
CCJJ Legislative Recommendations Status
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)
UPDATE: New CCJJ Recommendations-2018 Legislative Preview
2018 Legislative Preview
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)
UPDATE: CCJJ 2018 Sunset Review and Renewal
CCJJ Legislative Accomplishments: 2013 - 2017
CCJJ Enabling Legislation: H.B. 2007-1358
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)Commission: Proposed Focus Areas for Future Work
Update: CCJJ 2017 Retreat Objectives
Proposed Focus Areas for Future Work
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair and Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
Brain Injury Screening and Justice-Involved Individuals
Brain Injury and Criminal Justice[pdf/ppt]
(Judy Dettmer, MINDSOURCE Brain Injury Network-CDHS)
None- November 9, 2017
Date Time Location November 9, 2017 1:30 - 4:15pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-11-09 CCJJ Agenda
2017-11-09 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / PresentationsUPDATE: Legislative Interim Study Committees
Interim Study Committees: Approved Bills
(Gabby Reed, CDPS Legislative Liaison)
UPDATE: New CCJJ Recommendations-2018 Legislative Preview
2018 Legislative Preview
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)
UPDATE: Senate Bill 2017-207: Rollout
Implementing Crisis System Enhancements (CBHC Handout)
Strengthen the Behavioral Health Crisis System: SB17-207 Rollout [pdf/ppt]
(See also, Expansion of the Colorado Crisis System 2017 Report (11/1/2017))
(Frank Cornelia, CO Behavioral Healthcare Council & Camille Harding, Colorado Dept. of Human Services)
CCJJ 2018 Sunset Review and Renewal
CCJJ Legislative Accomplishments: 2013-2017
CCJJ Legislative Recommendations Status
CCJJ Renewal Recommendation: FY18-CCJJ #01
(posted below in, "RECOMMENDATIONS")
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)UPDATE: CCJJ Task Force & Subcommittee Work
Update: CCJJ Task Forces and Subcommittee
(Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
UPDATE: CCJJ Potential Areas for Future Work
Age of Delinquency Literature Review
(Kelly Friesen, Grand Co. Juvenile Justice)
DOC Population Drivers: Felony Filings
(Peg Flick, Division of Criminal Justice)
Sentencing Clarification: Topics and Trends
Sentencing Clarification: Legislative Council- Overview of Colorado Sentencing Scheme (July 2017)
(Kevin Ford, Division of Criminal Justice)
Commission: Potential Areas for Future Work
CCJJ: Potential Areas for Future Work
(Richard Stroker, CCJJ Consultant)
2018 CCJJ Meeting Schedule & Location
2018 Meeting Schedule
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair)
The Commission reviewed for final discussion and vote the recommendation to continue the Commission. See the November 2017 Minutes for the discussion of this recommendation:
FY18-CCJJ #01: Continue the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice [Statutory] As Approved
2017-11-09 CCJJ Votes- December 8, 2017
Date Time Location December 8, 2017 1:00 - 3:30pm Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
2017-12-08 CCJJ Agenda
2017-12-08 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
UPDATE: 2018 Legislative Preview-Potential Sponsors
2018 Legislative Preview
(Gabby Reed, CDPS Legislative Liaison)
PRESENTATION: Mental Health / Jails Task Force: Preliminary Recommendation
MH/J TF: Preliminary Recommendation FY18-MH #01: Pre-File MH Diversion Program [pdf/ppt]
(Joe Pelle, MH/J TF Chair and Boulder County Sheriff, Abigail Tucker, Community Reach Centers,
and Patrick Fox, CDHS-Office of Behavioral Health)
(Preliminary recommendations are not posted. See December 2017 Minutes for information.)
PRESENTATION: CY 2016 CLEAR Act Analyses (S.B. 2015-185)
Follow-up - CY 2016 C.L.E.A.R. Act Report* [S.B.2015-185] (2017) (pdf/ppt)
* Community Law Enforcement Action Reporting
(Kim English, Division of Criminal Justice-Office of Research & Statistics)
See also,
- The CY 2016 C.L.E.A.R. Act FULL REPORT and Dashboard: Racial and Ethnic Disparity, and
- Strategies to reduce disparities in local jurisdictions may be found at the Brennan Center:
Site: Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Jails: Recommendations for Local Practice
Report: "Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Jails: Recommendations for Local Practice" (2015)
The Mental Health/Jails Task Force presented one preliminary recommendation for discussion and feedback:
- FY18-MH #01: Pre-File Mental Health Diversion Program.
This preliminary recommendation will be scheduled for a final presentation and vote at a subsequent meeting of the Commission.
Recommendation documents are only posted following approval by the Commission. See the December 2017 Minutes and/or the presentation above for information regarding this preliminary recommendation.