Meetings of the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) scheduled during the 2015 calendar year and related documents may be found below. Information on other calendar year meetings of the CCJJ may be found on the "Meetings" menu in the navigation (or ☰ menu) above. Use the navigation link above for information on the meetings of CCJJ Committees.
- January 9, 2015 - CANCELED
Date Time Location CANCELED
January 9, 201512:00-2:00PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, ColoradoAgenda
N/A - February 13, 2015
Date Time Location February 13, 2015 12:30-4:30PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
02-13-2015 CCJJ Agenda
02-13-2015 CCJJ Minutes
FY2015 CCJJ Bills Update (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
CY2014CCJJ Accomplishments Overview and Activities Timeline (Kim English, DCJ)
FY 2014 CCJJ Annual Report (presented by Kim English, DCJ)
All CCJJ Annual Reports are available on the Reports page.
CCJJ Membership and Terms (Stan Hilkey, Chair)
Exploratory Data Planning Group
CCJJ Exploratory Data Planning Group Outcomes - Handout (Eric Philp, Group Lead)
CCJJ Exploratory Data Planning Group Outcomes - Slides (PowerPoint, Eric Philp, Group Lead)
Exploratory Re-entry Planning Group
CCJJ Exploratory Re-entry Planning Group Outcomes - Handout (Stan Hilkey, Group Lead)
CCJJ Exploratory Re-entry Planning Group Outcomes - Slides (PowerPoint; Stan Hilkey, Group Lead)
CCJJ 2014 Strategic Plan with Feb 2015 Status Update (Stan Hilkey, Chair)
Additional materials,
MacArthur Foundation: Safety and Justice Challenge (RFP) (Stan Hilkey, Chair)
(See also,
Grant Proposal Summary: Second Chance Act Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Strategic Planning Program (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
Grant Announcement: Second Chance Act Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Strategic Planning Program
Priorities: Colorado Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Council (Meg Williams, CCJJ Member)
The Minority Over-Representation Subcommittee offered two preliminary recommendations. A vote on the recommendations will occur in a subsequent meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission. Please see the meeting Minutes for details. - FY15-MOR #01 - Cultural Competency Training for all Justice System Agencies (continues Recommendation FY11-MOR #01)
- FY15-MOR #02 - Race and Ethnic Diversity Tracking of all Justice Agency Staff (continues Recommendation FY11-MOR #02)
N/A - March 13, 2015
Date Time Location March 13, 2015 12:30-4:30PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
03-13-2015 CCJJ Agenda
03-13-2015 CCJJ Minutes
FY 2015 CCJJ Bills Update (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
CCJJ Task Force and Subcommittee Updates (PPT; Stan Hilkey, Chair & Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
Minority Over-Representation Subcommittee
(Stan Hilkey, CCJJ Chair and Subcommittee Chair)
CCJJ Recommendation FY15-MOR #01 (Handout, Same as "As approved, "see RECOMMENDATIONS below)
CCJJ Recommendation FY15-MOR #02 (Handout, Same as "As approved, "see RECOMMENDATIONS below)
President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing: Interim Report [March 2015]
(see also,President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing: Final Report [May 2015])
President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing (Archived Info page)
Race and Ethnicity Data Collection Presentations
Race and Ethnicity Data Collection (ppt, Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
Race and Ethnicity Data Collection - Point of Contact (ppt; Sgt. Randy McNitt, Lakewood PD)
Race and Ethnicity Data Collection - DOC (Paul Engstrom, DOC)
Senate Bill 2015-185 [Introduced] (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
Minority Over-Representation Subcommittee
CCJJ Recommendation FY15-MOR #01 (As approved)
Cultural Competency Training for all Justice System Agencies
CCJJ Recommendation FY15-MOR #02 (As approved)
Race and Ethnic Diversity Tracking of all Justice Agency Staff
03-13-2015 CCJJ Votes
- April 10, 2015
Date Time Location April 10, 2015 12:30-2:45PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
04-10-2015 CCJJ Agenda
04-10-2015 CCJJ Minutes
FY2015 CCJJ Bills Update (Jana Locke, CDPS Legislative Liaison)
Department of Corrections: Colorado Transitional Accountability Plan (PPT, Kellie Wasko & Carmen Estrada, DOC)
The Community Corrections Task Force offered an update on recent developments regarding two recommendations originally considered, but rejected by the Commission at the November 14, 2014 meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission. Please see the meeting Minutes for details. - FY15-CC #02- Reliable and Consistent Information from DOC
- FY15-CC #10- Risk Informed Referral Process
N/A - May 8, 2015 - CANCELED
Date Time Location CANCELED
May 8, 201512:30-4:30PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
N / A Votes
N/A - June 12, 2015
Date Time Location June 12, 2015 12:30-3:00PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
06-12-2015 CCJJ Agenda
06-12-2015 CCJJ Minutes
FY2015 CCJJ Bills Update (Jana Locke, CDPS Legislative Liaison) Human Trafficking Presentation (Maria Trujillo, Human Trafficking Program Mgr., Office for Victims Programs, DCJ)
Human Trafficking Introduction, Colorado HT Council, & HT Victim Services (PPT, Maria Trujillo, DCJ)
Colorado Human Trafficking Council (Handout)
CoNEHT: Colorado Network to End Human Trafficking (Handout)
N/A - July 10, 2015
Date Time Location July 10, 2015 2:00-4:00PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
07-10-2015 CCJJ Agenda
07-10-2015 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
Victim Awareness & Educational Presentations
The Victim Experience: Part 1 - Intro and Trauma Model (Nancy Lewis, Executive Director, Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance)
The Victim Experience: Part 2 - Childhood Abuse Impacts (Robert Lung, District Court Magistrate, 18th Judicial District)
Victim Services and Systems (Kate Horn-Murphy, Victim Services Director,17th Judicial District)
Victim Services Funding (Kate Horn-Murphy, Victim Services Director,17th Judicial District)
N/A - August 14, 2015
Date Time Location Special Location!
August 14, 201512:00am - 4:00pm
Commissioner Lunch provided!(New Member Orientation)
(10:00am - Noon)Boulder Co. Sheriff's Office
Sheriff's Conference Room
5600 Flatiron Parkway
Boulder, CO 80301Agenda
08-14-2015 CCJJ Agenda
08-14-2015 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
Boulder County Jail - Overview (Bruce Haas, Boulder Co., Jail Division Chief)
Boulder County Jail - JET Reentry Program (Tim Oliveira, Boulder Co.,Jail Division)
N/A - September 11, 2015 - CANCELED
Date Time Location CANCELED
September 11, 201512:30-4:30PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
N/A Votes
N/A - October 9, 2015
Date Time Location October 9, 2015 12:30-4:30PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
10-09-2015 CCJJ Agenda
10-09-2015 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
CCJJ Task Force Updates Community Corrections Task Force
Fiscal Note Draft(See Minutes for details.)
- Related to Recommendation Package, FY15-CC#01, 03, 04, 06, & 08.
-See Community Correction Task Force: Recommendations for details.Restitution Interest Rate / Collection Practice Changes [Judicial Department]
(Eric Philp, Probation Services & Marty Galvin, Financial Services)
The Mandatory Parole Subcommittee offered the preliminary conceptual presentation on two recommendations for feedback from the Commission. These recommendations are scheduled for a final presentation by the Subcommittee and a final vote by the Commission at the November or December 2015 meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission. Please see the meeting Minutes for details on these two preliminary recommendations:
- FY16-MP #01- Update the Statutory Purposes of Parole to Reflect Contemporary and Evidence-Based Practices
- FY16-MP #02- Prison Release Date Determined by COV/Non-COV Status and Mandatory Parole Period Based on Risk Score Votes
N/A - November 13, 2015
Date Time Location November 13, 2015 12:30-4:30PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
11-13-2015 CCJJ Agenda
11-13-2015 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
CCJJ FY 2015 Annual Report (Kim English, Office of Research & Statistics, DCJ)
Mandatory Parole Subcommittee (Doug Wilson, CCJJ Vice-Chair & MP Subcommittee, Chair)
HANDOUT-Recommendation FY16-MP #01: Update the Statutory Purposes of Parole to Reflect Contemporary and Evidence-Based Practices-handout
PRESENTATION -Recommendation FY16-MP #01
Community Corrections Task Force
PRESENTATION -Community Correction in Colorado - Overview & Initiatives
(Glenn Tapia, Office of Community Corrections, DCJ)
The Commission approved the following recommendation from the Mandatory Parole Subcommittee:
FY16-MP #01- Update the Statutory Purposes of Parole to Reflect Contemporary and Evidence-Based Practices [Approved]
The Commission received an update by the Mandatory Parole Subcommittee on a preliminary recommendation for additional feedback. This recommendations is scheduled for a final presentation by the Subcommittee and a final vote by the Commission at the December 2015 meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission. Please see the meeting Minutes for details on this preliminary recommendation:
- FY16-MP #02- Prison Release Date Determined by COV/Non-COV Status and Mandatory Parole Period Based on Risk Score
2015-11-13 CCJJ Vote
See the Minutes for any motions and the vote-related discussion. - December 11, 2015
Date Time Location December 11, 2015 12:30-4:30PM Lakewood Civic Center
Employee Relations Training Room
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226Agenda
12-11-2015 CCJJ Agenda
12-11-2015 CCJJ Minutes
Documents / Presentations
Mandatory Parole Subcommittee
Recommendation versions are not typically posted until after approval by the Commission. These draft versions are posted to allow review by stakeholders and interested parties prior to their final consideration in March 2016.
(See Recommendations notes below and the December 2015 meeting Minutes for additional information.)
FY16-MP #02 Prison Release Date Determined by COV / Non-COV (Handout - Pending further action)
FY16-MP #03 Mandatory Parole Period Based Upon Risk Score (Handout - Pending further action)
The Commission conducted the following activities regarding recommendations:
(Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission.)
The Data Sharing Task Force
Jeanne Smith (CCJJ, Ex Officio & DSTF Chair) offered a preliminary presentation on a single recommendation:
- FY16-DS #01 Information Sharing Council (see Minutes).
The Community Corrections Task Force
Pete Weir (CCJJ, Member & CC TF, Chair) offered a preliminary presentation on a single recommendation:
- FY16-CC #01 Judicial Education (see Minutes).
The Mandatory Parole Subcommittee
Doug Wilson (CCJJ, Vice-Chair & MP Subc., Chair) offered a final presentation on two recommendations:
- FY16-MP #02. Prison Release Date...
- FY16-MP #03. Mandatory Parole Period...
These two recommendations were previously presented as a single recommendation (FY16-MP #02). The Commission voted to table both recommendations for further study for 90 days.
In March 2016, following a period to allow study and review of the recommendations by stakeholders and interested parties, the Commission will resume discussion of these recommendations (see Minutes).
2015-12-11 CCJJ Vote
See the Minutes for motions and the vote-related discussion.