Meetings: 2014

Meetings of the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) scheduled during the 2014 calendar year and related documents may be found below. Information on other calendar year meetings of the CCJJ may be found on the "Meetings" menu in the navigation (or ☰ menu) above. Use the navigation link above for information on the meetings of CCJJ Committees.

January 10, 2014
Date Time Location
January 10, 2014 12:00-2:00PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado
pdf icon 01-10-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 01-10-2014 CCJJ Minutes


2013 Annual Report
link iconColorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice: 2013 Annual Report (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
All CCJJ Annual Reports are available on the Reports page.

Other documents
pdf icon CCJJ CY 2013 Accomplishments and Activities (Jeanne Smith)
pdf icon CCJJ CY 2013 Priorities and Timeline (Jeanne Smith)
pdf icon CCJJ Summary of 2013 Commission-Derived Bills (Jeanne Smith)

pdf icon Sentencing and Prison Practices in Germany and the Netherlands: Implications for the United States (October 2013, The Vera Institute)
(Update and report presented by Commission Member Theresa Cisneros and Kellie Wasko, CO Dept. of Corrections)

Note: The Comprehensive Sentencing Task Force offered a preliminary recommendation regarding motor vehicle theft (see the January 2013 Minutes for details). A vote on the recommendation will occur in a subsequent meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission.

February 14, 2014 - Electronic Meeting Only
Date Time Location
February 14, 2014 N/A Electronic meeting
A "virtual meeting" was held electronically to address a single agenda item. The meeting occurred between January 27, 2014 and February 6, 2014. Commission members voted on a single recommendation originally presented at the January 10, 2014 Commission meeting (see below).

pdf icon 2014-02-14 Agenda

pdf icon 2014-02-14 Minutes

pdf icon CCJJ Recommendation FY14-CS #3 (Handout / draft)

pdf icon CCJJ Recommendation FY14-CS #3 (As approved)

pdf icon 2014-02-14 Votes

See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of the Commission and its subgroups.
March 13-14, 2014 - Commission Retreat
Date Time Location
Commission Retreat
March 13-14, 2014
13th: 12:00pm-4:45pm
14th: 9:00am-4:45pm
Boettcher Mansion
900 Colorow Road
Golden, CO 80401
Retreat - Day 1
March 13, 2014
pdf icon Day 1: 2014-03-13 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon Day 1: 2014-03-13 CCJJ Minutes


Evidenced-Based Practices: National
pdf icon National Trends: Criminal Justice Policy
(Thomas McClellan, National Governors' Association)
pdf icon National Trends: Juvenile Justice Policy
(Roger Przybylski, RKC Group)

pdf icon National Trends: Law Enforcement Policy
(Roger Przybylski, RKC Group)

Evidenced-Based Practices: Local
pdf icon Evidence-Based Decision Making Initiative: Mesa County, CO
(Pete Hautzinger, DA, Dennis Berry, Criminal Justice Services Center, & Stan Hilkey, Sheriff)

pdf icon Community Corrections Decision-Making Tool & Pretrial Decision Making
(Greg Mauro, Director, Denver Div. of Community Corrections)
Retreat - Day 2
March 14, 2014

pdf icon Day 2: 2014-03-14 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon Day 2: 2014-03-14 CCJJ Minutes


Evidenced-Based Practices(continued)
pdf icon What Works to Reduce Recidivism
(Roger Przybylski, RKC Group)

Commission Activities
pdf icon Selected Commission Accomplishments
(Kim English, Div. of Criminal Justice)

April 11, 2014
Date Time Location
April 11, 2014 12:30-4:30PM Special Location!
Lakewood Cultural Center
480 S. Allison Pkwy
Lakewood, CO 80226
pdf icon 04-11-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 04-11-2013 CCJJ Minutes

pdf icon CCJJ April 2014 Bill Update
pdf icon CCJJ March 2014 Retreat Outcomes and Priorities

Two PowerPoint presentations by Sherri Hufford, Division of Probation Services are combined in one file:
pdf icon 1. Revision of Probation Terms and Conditions
2. Strategies for Behavior Change
 [in Probation Supervision]
See also,
pdf icon Probation - Adult Standard Conditions of Probation [Rev.0913]

Note: The Juvenile Justice Task Force presented a preliminary recommendation:
-  FY15-JJ #1 regarding a Petty Ticket option for law enforcement to address petty offense committed by juveniles (see the April Minutes for details).
A vote on the recommendation will occur in a subsequent meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission.

May 9, 2014
Date Time Location
May 9, 2014 11:00AM-4:30PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado
pdf icon 05-09-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 05-09-2014 CCJJ Minutes


Legislative Update (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
pdf icon CCJJ May 2014 Bill Update
pdf icon House Bill 2014 - 1266 (Penalties for Certain Value-Based Offenses)
pdf icon Senate Bill 2014 - 129 (Changes to Criminal Provisions Related to Marijuana)
pdf icon Senate Bill 2014 - 163 (Clarifying Changes to Provisions Related to the Sentencing of Persons Convicted of Drug Crimes)

Legislative & Other Mandates to CCJJ (Jeanne Smith, DCJ)
pdf icon House Bill 2014 - 1214 
(Penalties for Certain Criminal Offenses Committed Against an Emergency Medical Service Provider, see p. 6, Section 7 of the bill)
pdf icon Letter of Request: Senate & House Leadership and HB14-1131 Sponsors 
(A letter of request regarding postponed "Cyberbullying" bill, "Harassment Against a Minor by Using an Interactive Computer Service") (See also, HB14-1131)

Juvenile Justice Task Force
pdf icon Recommendation FY15 - JJ#1: Petty Ticket Option (Handout / draft)

pdf icon Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Informational Presentation
(Jake Horowitz, Pew Public Safety Performance Project)

Creating a Culturally Responsive Criminal Justice System
(Presentation not available. See May Minutes for presentation summary)
(Lisa Calderon, Denver Community Re-Entry Project, Regina Huerter, Denver Crime Prevention and Control Commission, Ty Campbell, Denver Police Department)


Juvenile Justice Task Force Recommendation
(Kelly Friesen, Jeff McDonald, Bill Kilpatrick - JJTF)
pdf icon Recommendation FY15 - JJ#1: Petty Ticket Option (As approved, see vote below)

pdf icon 05-09-2014 CCJJ Votes (Includes vote on FY15-JJ #1)
June 13, 2014
Date Time Location
June 13, 2014 12:30-3:00PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado
pdf icon 
06-13-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 06-13-2014 CCJJ Minutes

pdf icon CCJJ March Retreat Outcomes and Timeline (with updates)
pdf icon Juvenile Justice Task Force: Age of Detention Fact Sheet
(Prepared by Kim Dvorchak, CO Juvenile Defense Coalition, for the Juvenile Justice Task Force)

pdf icon Juvenile Justice Task Force: Professional Standards for Juvenile Practice
(Regina Huerter, Denver Crime Prevention and Control Commission, presenting on behalf of the Juvenile Justice Task Force)

Note: The Juvenile Justice Task Force presented two preliminary recommendations:
- FY15-JJ #2 regarding age of detention, and
- FY15-JJ #3, regarding professional standards of practice in the juvenile justice system.
Details of these proposed recommendations may be found in the June 2014 Minutes. A vote on these recommendations will occur in a subsequent meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission.
July 11, 2014 - CANCELED
Date Time Location
July 11, 2014
12:30-4:30PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado




August 8, 2014
Date Time Location
August 8, 2014 12:30-4:30PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado
pdf icon 08-08-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 08-08-2014 CCJJ Minutes

pdf icon CCJJ Subcommittee and Task Force Updates
pdf icon CCJJ March 2014 Retreat Outcomes and Task Commitments/Planning
pdf icon CCJJ Recommendation FY15-JJ #3 (Handout/draft with amendments)

pdf icon CCJJ Recommendation FY15-JJ #3- Professional practices in the juvenile system (As approved)

pdf icon 08-08-2014 CCJJ Votes(Includes votes on FY15-JJ #3)
September 12, 2014
Date Time Location
September 12, 2014 12:30-4:30PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado
pdf icon 09-12-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 09-12-2014 CCJJ Minutes Documents
pdf icon CCJJ March Retreat Outcomes and Strategic Planning

pdf icon Pew-MacArthur Foundation: Results First Initiative
(Sara Dube, Director & Joshua Watters, Senior Associate)

pdf icon Pretrial Justice: The Colorado Story
(Shared by Commission Chair, Stan Hilkey)

pdf icon Juvenile Justice Task Force: Update on Work - Background/Remaining Tasks
(Kelly Friesen, Task Force, Co-Chair)

pdf icon Juvenile Justice Task Force: Update on Work: Current Tasks
(Jeff McDonald, Task Force, Co-Chair)

The Comprehensive Sentencing Task Force presented one preliminary recommendation:
- FY15-CS #01 regarding early discharge from Lifetime Supervision Probation for sex offenders due to severe disability or medical incapacitation.

Preliminary details of this proposed recommendation may be found in the September 2014 Minutes. A vote on this recommendation will occur in a subsequent meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission.

October 10, 2014
Date Time Location
October 10, 2014 10:00AM-4:30PM Employee Relations Training Rm.
Lakewood Civic Center
(2nd Floor, South Building)
480 South Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226
pdf icon 10-10-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 10-10-2014 CCJJ Minutes

CCJJ Recommendation FY15-CS #01 (Handout / draft, same as "As Approved" below)
CCJJ Recommendation FY15-JJ #02 (This recommendation did not pass and, therefore, is not posted. See the October 2014 Minutes for details.)

Comprehensive Sentencing Task Force
pdf icon CCJJ Recommendation FY15-CS #01- regarding early discharge from Lifetime Supervision Probation for sex offenders due to severe disability or medical incapacitation. (As Approved)

Juvenile Justice Task Force
A proposed recommendation (FY15-JJ #02) did not pass. See the October 2014 Minutes for details.

Community Corrections Task Force
The Task Force presented sixteen preliminary recommendations (topics below). Preliminary details may be found in the October 2014 Minutes. A vote on these recommendations will occur in a subsequent Commission meeting. Recommendations are only posted subsequent to approval by the Commission.
FY15-CC#01 - regarding community corrections board training
FY15-CC#02 - regarding reliable and consistent offender information transmitted from DOC to community corrections boards
FY15-CC#03 - regarding community corrections board membership and composition
FY15-CC#04 - regarding community corrections board member reappointment procedures
FY15-CC#05 - regarding funding for very high risk offender programs in community corrections
FY15-CC#06 - regarding professional judgment and research-based decision-making
FY15-CC#07 - regarding flexibility of program standards to allow effective supervision of sex offenders and offenders at all levels of risk
FY15-CC#08 - regarding the development of a program evaluation tool to assess adherence to evidence-based practices and the capacity to serve very high risk offenders
FY15-CC#09 - regarding funding of the "Three-Quarter House" living arrangement model (A supervision level that falls "between" residential and nonresidential programs.)
FY15-CC#10 - regarding the adoption by DOC of a risk-informed referral process
FY15-CC#11 - regarding a process to create an objective referral (to community corrections) recommendation from appropriate DOC staff
FY15-CC#12 - regarding the creation of a readiness-to-change assessment to assist with the community placement decision
FY15-CC#13 - regarding a revision of AR #250-03 to disallow offenders to refuse a community corrections placement
FY15-CC#14 - regarding feedback to offenders when the referral to community corrections is rejected
FY15-CC#15 - regarding the limitation of transition referrals to two potential community corrections programs
FY15-CC#16 - regarding the creation of specific processes for referrals to Intensive Residential Treatment (IRT) and Residential Dual Diagnosis Treatment (RDDT) programs.

pdf icon10-10-2014 CCJJ Votes
November 14, 2014
Date Time Location
November 14, 2014 12:30AM-4:30PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado
pdf icon 11-14-2014 CCJJ Agenda

pdf icon 11-14-2014 CCJJ Minutes


CyberBullying Subcommittee
pdf icon Subcommittee Update 
(presented by Chair, Kevin Paletta, Powerpoint)

Community Corrections Task Force
pdf icon CCJJ Recommendation FY15-CC #01 - #16-draft (Handout / draft)
This handout does not include Commission amendments and includes recommendations that were not approved. See the link to the "As approved" recommendations below.)

Community Corrections Task Force
pdf icon CCJJ Recommendation FY15-CC #01 - #16 (As approved)

pdf icon 11-14-2014 CCJJ Votes
December 12, 2014 - CANCELED
Date Time Location
December 12, 2014
12:30-4:30PM Jefferson County DA Bldg
500 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, Colorado
N /A

N/ A


