The Juvenile Justice Task Force concluded on October 1, 2014. The Commission will continue to address juvenile issues and may restore subgroups in the future with updated membership, if new issues arise within the topic area.
The Juvenile Justice Task Force was seated in September 2010 to address the issues faced by juveniles and their families involved in the criminal justice and other related systems. The work of the task force from September 2010 - October 2014 was guided by this charter and scope of work.
- No Further Meetings
- DateTimeLocation
The Juvenile Justice Task Force has concluded. No further meetings scheduled.
Unless noted otherwise, all meetings were held at the Jefferson County Assessment Center, Remington Building, 11011 W. 6th Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado (map) from 9:30am-12pm. - Task Force Members
To ensure balanced representation on the Juvenile Justice Task Force, the CCJJ Chair and Vice-Chair employed a template to guide the appointment process. Representative agencies and stakeholders were determined first, followed by the appointment of volunteers to the available positions.
Membership: as of October 2014 Position Name, Affiliation Co-Chair (CCJJ) Kelly Friesen, Grand County Juvenile Justice Department & S.B. 94,14th Judicial District (J.D.) Co-Chair (CCJJ) Jeff McDonald, Jefferson County, Juvenile Assessment Center Community at Large (CCJJ) Charles Garcia, At Large Dept. of Human Services (CCJJ) Julie Krow, Office of Children, Youth and Family Services Legislative, CO House (CCJJ) Beth McCann, House District 8 Juvenile Parole Board (CCJJ) Meg Williams, Division of Criminal Justice Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) Regina Huerter, Denver Crime Prevention & Control Commission Law Enforcement (CCJJ) Bill Kilpatrick, Golden Police Department Prosecution Hal Sargent, District Attorney's Office, 1st J.D. Prosecution Sarah Ericson,District Attorney's Office, 18th J.D. Defense Kim Dvorchak, Colorado Juvenile Defense Coalition Defense Norene Simpson, Indigent Juvenile Defense Counsel Judicial Ann Gail Meinster, 1st Judicial District Court Judicial Michelle Brinegar, 8th Judicial District Juvenile Probation Susan Colling, State Court Administrators, Probation Services Prevention Leadership Council Stan T. Paprocki, Division of Behavioral Health Service Provider Org. Rep. Steve Brittain, La Plata Youth Services (Durango) Juvenile Justice - At Large Jacob Eppler, Attorney at Law Juvenile Justice Donia Amick, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Council Education K-12 TBD Education TBD Legislative, CO Senate TBD Division of Youth Corrections TBD Consultant/Staff: Ken Plotz ( or 303-239-5738)
Staff: Laurence Lucero ( or 303-239-4663)
"CCJJ" - Commission memberFormer Members Position Name, Affiliation At Large (CCJJ) Regis Groff, Retired State Senator Education K-12 Kirk Henwood, Montrose County School District Service Provider Org. Rep. Joe Higgins, Mesa County Partners Legislative, CO Senate Linda Newell, District 26 Education (CCJJ) Inta Morris, Department of Higher Education Prosecution (CCJJ) Don Quick, District Attorney's Office, 17th J.D. Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) Debbie Rose, Juvenile Parole Board Juvenile Justice - At Large Bonnie Saltzman, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Council Judicial Karen Ashby, Denver Juvenile Court Division of Youth Corrections John Gomez, Division of Youth Corrections - Subgroups
The Juvenile Justice Task Force formed the following Working Groups.
See the CCJJ Calendar for information on all scheduled meetings of all of the subgroups of the Juvenile Justice Task Force.Age of Detention Working Group
Juveniles under thirteen should be treated differently as placing them in detention has the potential to expose them to older and more serious delinquents.
Assessments Working Group
(subsumed by the Informal System Response Working Group)
Included work on such topics as determinations of those qualifying for the civil adjustment system, needs and risks that should be addressed, identifying those children who should/should not be assessed, crossover youth, evidence-based practices, information transfer/sharing, and training guide revisions.
Education Working Group
Included work on such topics as School-to-Jail "Pipeline," transitions between service systems, and truancy.
Informal System Response Working Group
(elements were re-assigned from this group to the Petty Ticket WG or the Pre-Filing Options WG)
Working on such topics as options for adaptive civil response alternatives to delinquent disposition, eligibility for civil adjustments, and record sharing and service provision to those identified for this path through the system.Judicial Working Group
Included work on such topics as admissions to DYC, professional standards, juvenile DUI, and municipal courtLegal / Justice System Working Group (subsumed by the Informal System Response Working Group)
Included work on such topics as options for adaptive civil response alternatives to delinquent disposition, eligibility for civil adjustments, and record sharing.Petty Ticket Working Group
Working on petty ticket options.
Pre-Filing Options Working Group
Exploring possible definitions and options of diversion in the Children's Code.
Professionalism Working Group
Working on such topics as Professional standards in collaboration with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Council with assistance from the SPARK Policy Institute.
Services Working Group (subsumed by the Informal System Response Working Group)
Included work on such topics as parity in service provision whether juveniles are adjudicated, are in the civil adjustment system, or are in the dependency and neglect system.
Juvenile Records Working Group (not seated)
To work on the topic of the degree of access to juvenile records.- Materials
Charter and Scope of Work
The work of the Juvenile Justice Task Force from September 2010 to October 2014 was guided by this charter and scope of work.419KB
ReportsColorado Reference Guide: Juvenile Screening and Assessment (July 2013)228KB
(The previous 2007 edition was updated by the Juvenile Justice Task Force of the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice)
Juvenile DUI Filings (Jan. '07 - Oct. '10)40.5KB
Juvenile Sentence: DUI as Most Serious Charge (Jan. '07 - Oct. '10)44KB
Multiple Responses, Promising Results: Evidence-Based, Nonpunitive Alternatives to Zero Tolerance238KB
(Research-to-Results Brief, March 2011 at Child Trends.Org)
National Institute of Justice - Research in Brief (on the 1997 NIJ What Works Report)99KB
See the "pop-boxes" below for the:
- Bibliography of Juvenile Justice Resources, and
- Risk Assessment Resources.
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
CDPHE: Prevention and Wellness
Colorado Statewide Youth Development Plan
Community Guide for Helping America's Youth (site purged)
Department of Education Safe, Disciplined, and Drug Free Schools
Drug Strategies, Inc.
Colorado School Safety Resource Center: Bullying and Harassment Prevention
Making the Right Turn: Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Corrections System (see also FULL REPORT: Improving Transition Outcomes)
Institute of Medicine: Tracking Adolescent Health Behaviors and Outcomes
NIDA: Prevention
The National Reentry Resource Center: What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse
EBP Resource Center (SAMHSA)
OJJDP Model Programs Guide
Promising Practices Network
Surgeon General's Youth Violence Report- Bibliography of Juvenile Justice Resources
Bibliography of Juvenile Justice Resources
Colorado Child Welfare Training System (See also, "Gov. Ritter Creates Child Welfare Training Academy" and Senate Bill 2009-164.)
Early childhood Colorado Framework (July 2008).
Early and late risk factors. Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General.
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Council &, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance. (2010). Colorado's Three-Year Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Plan
(2009-2011): March 2010 update. Denver, CO: Division of Criminal Justice.Minkner, F. (2005). State of Colorado juvenile justice system flowchart.
- Risk Assessment Resources
Risk Assessment Resources
Risk Factors for Delinquency: An Overview
Colorado Juvenile Risk Assessment (CJRA) Prescreen Risk Assessment416 KB
Colorado Juvenile Risk Assessment (CJRA) Full Screen930 KB
Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument - Second Version (MAYSI-2) Questionnaire
Substance Use Survey (SUS)165 KB
Colorado Family Risk Assessment139 KB
Colorado Reference Guide
Juvenile Screening and Assessment Instruments (March 2007)426 KB
Juvenile Screening and Assessment Instruments (July 2013)228 KB
The Dangers of Detention, report from the Justice Policy Institute874 KB
Colorado Client Assessment Record (CCAR) Instrument64 KB
Improving the Effectiveness of Juvenile Justice Program, EBP Paper3213 KB
Gains Sequential Intercept for Developing CJ-MH Partnership473 KB
Resolution, Reinvestment, and Realignment, Research and Evaluation Center738 KB
Reclaiming Futures model215 KB
Risk-Need-Responsivity Model for Offender Assessment and Rehabilitation 2007-06198 KB
Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes, Behaviors, and Influences Among Youth: A compendium of Assessment Tools - Second Edition6070 KB
Mental HealthMental Health Screening Form-III (MHSF-III)
Modified Mini Screen (MMS) (see
PTSD Checklist (PCL)22KB
UCLA PTSD Index334 KB (For scoring information, see
- Previous Meetings
- DateTimeLocationMinutes
October 1, 2014 9:30-12PM JAC, Lakewood September 3, 2014 9:30-12PM JAC, Lakewood August 6, 2014 9:30-12PM JAC, Lakewood July 2, 2014 9:30-12PM JAC, Lakewood June 4, 2014 9:30-12PM JAC, Lakewood May 7, 2014 9:30AM-12PM JAC, Lakewood April 2, 2014 9:30AM-11:30PM JAC, Lakewood March 5, 2014 9:30AM-12PM JAC, Lakewood February 5, 2014 9:30AM-4:30PM JAC, Lakewood January 3, 2014 Canceled December 6, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood November 1, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood October 4, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood September 6, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood August 2, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood July 5, 2013 Canceled June 7, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood May 3, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood April 5, 2013 1PM-3PM JAC, Lakewood March 1, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood February 1, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood January 4, 2013 1PM-4PM JAC, Lakewood December 20, 2012 Task Force meeting canceled.
Informal System Response Working Group meeting held.November 15, 2012 9AM-4:30PM Denver Sheriff's Office Training Ctr October 18, 2012 9AM-12PM JAC, Lakewood September 20, 2012 9AM-12PM JAC, Lakewood August 16, 2012 9AM-12PM JAC, Lakewood July 19, 2012 9AM-12PM JAC, Lakewood June21, 2012 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodMay 17, 2012 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodApril 19, 2012 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodMarch 16, 2012 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodFebruary 16, 2012 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodJanuary 19, 2012 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodDecember 15, 2011 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodNovember 17, 2011 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodOctober 20, 2011 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodSeptember 15, 2011 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodAugust 18, 2011 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodJuly 21, 2011 CanceledJune 16, 2011 9AM-12PMJAC, LakewoodMay 19, 2011 Task Force meeting canceled
Education and Assessment Working Group meetings held.April 21, 2011 9AM-12PM710 Kipling Street, LakewoodMarch 17 & 18, 2011 8:30AM-5PM710 Kipling Street, Lakewood17th -
18th -February 17, 2011 CanceledJanuary 20, 2011 9AM-12PM710 Kipling Street, LakewoodDecember 16, 2010 9AM-12PM710 Kipling Street, LakewoodNovember 18, 2010 9AM-12PM710 Kipling Street, LakewoodOctober 28, 2010 1:30-4:30PM710 Kipling Street, LakewoodSeptember 21, 20101:30-4:30PM710 Kipling Street, Lakewood