Cyberbullying Subcommittee

The Cyberbullying Subcommittee completed its work with the submission of the CCJJ Cyberbullying Report, December 1, 2014 to the Governor's Office of Legal Counsel and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees(see materials below). No further meetings of the Subcommittee are scheduled.

The Cyberbullying Subcommittee was seated August 2014 to address a request by the legislative leadership to review issues related to cyberbullying and sexting. In a letter dated April 15, 2014, the Commission was requested to conduct a comprehensive review of the use of interactive computers, cellular services, and social media by youth to bully, harass, or threaten minor victims. Subsequently, the Commission received a follow-up request to add a study of the issues around sexting to this request. The Commission was tasked to determine the most effective strategies to address and/or prevent these behaviors and, taking developmental issues into account, the most effective criminal or juvenile justice response to such behaviors and to submit a report to the Governor's Office of Legal Counsel and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees by December 1, 2014.

No Further Meetings
Date Time Location
The Cyberbullying Subcommittee has concluded.
Subcommittee Members

Members of the Commission ("CCJJ") serving on the Subcommittee are listed first, followed by the remaining members in alphabetical order.

Position Name, Affiliation
Chair (CCJJ) Kevin Paletta, Chief, Lake Wood Police Department
Higher Education (CCJJ) Jennifer Bradford, Metro State University of Denver
Juvenile Justice System (CCJJ) Kelly Friesen, Senate Bill 94 Coordinator, Grand County
Law Enforcement Christine Brite, Detective, Douglas County Sheriff's Office
Criminal Defense Maureen Cain, Defense Attorney, Colorado Criminal Defense Bar
At Large Christine Harms, Director, School Safety Resource Center
At Large Denise Maes, ACLU
Victim Representative Patty Moschner, Victim Advocate, Douglas County Sheriff's Office
Prosecution Tom Raynes, Executive Director, Colorado District Attorneys' Council
Staff: Jeanne Smith (jeanne.smith@state.co.us)
"CCJJ" - Commission members

The Cyberbullying Subcommittee formed no subgroups.



pdf icon Legislative Leadership Letter requesting the study of cyberbullying by the Commission.

pdf icon House Bill 2014 - 1131 was indefinitely postponed during the 2014 Legislative session, but served as a stimulus for the letter of request.

pdf icon CCJJ Cyberbullying Report was submitted on December 1, 2014.

Previous Meetings
Date Time Location Minutes
November 19, 2014 CANCELED
October 30, 2014 2:00 - 5:00pm Fourth Floor Conference Room
710 Kipling St.
Lakewood CO
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October 8, 2014 9:00am - Noon Fourth Floor Conference Room
710 Kipling St.
Lakewood CO
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September 17, 2014 9:00am - Noon Fourth Floor Conference Room
710 Kipling St.
Lakewood CO
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August 26, 2014 2:00 - 4:30pm Fourth Floor Conference Room
710 Kipling St.
Lakewood CO
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August 5, 2014 2:00 - 4:00pm Fourth Floor Conference Room
710 Kipling St.
Lakewood CO
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